Humanitude™ training for individuals and organisations in healthcare

Learn relationship-centred and evidence-based care methodology to develop daily and organisational care frameworks for persons living with frailty.
Humanitude trainer demonstrating care techniques to caregiver.
Healthcare professionals posing for a group photo in Humanitude Singapore’s training.
Humanitude team from Apex Harmony Lodge
Healthcare professionals observing a presentation as part of Humanitude training.

Attended by healthcare professionals from all caregiving backgrounds

Nurse Managers
Nurse Clinicians
Nurse Educators
Staff Nurses
Enrolled Nurses
Nursing Aides
Healthcare Assistants
Occupational Therapists
Speech Therapists
Medical Social Worker
Community Care Associates

... and many more
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Nurse
Directors of Nursing
Directors of Allied Health
Directors of Clinical Operations
Medical Directors
Medical Board Members

... and many more
“In the 4-day training, I observed that some residents who used to always be in bed are now smiling and getting out of bed.”
Healthcare Professional at  St Andrew’s Nursing Home

Humanitude™ training programmes

Humanitude™ provides 3 types of training programmes for healthcare staff and care management teams at their healthcare facilities, enabling the hands-on practice and application in real work setting.
4 days (28 hours)

Humanitude™ Care Action-Training

Explore hands-on care techniques and strategies to overcome challenges in caregiving for the elderly and vulnerable, while fostering meaningful connections.

Professionalise relationship-centred care

Create positive emotional connections, achieve care acceptance and participation with the 4 Humanitude Pillars and Sensory Capture™ technique

Practise Relational Handling™

Promote verticality or human’s upright positions using well-designed techniques that ensure safety and comfort for both caregivers and care recipients.

Align multidisciplinary team to optimise well-being

Develop common care goals and strategies with evaluative care and care prescription.
Caregivers practising Humanitude care techniques to assist with walking mobility.
Humanitude team from Apex Harmony Lodge
10 days (70 hours)

Humanitude™ Champion Training

Deepen your understanding of Humanitude™ care philosophy and techniques to effectively mentor internal teams for sustainable and successful implementation.

Drive Humanitude™ implementation

Deepen Humanitude™ skills to mentor and lead, supporting sustainable implementation and collaborating with the Humanitude™ Project Steering Group.

Monitor Care Compliance and Coach Care Staff

Utilise observation tools to monitor Humanitude™ care compliance and take corrective actions through internal coaching.

Lead Personalised Care Plans

Evaluate situations, align care goals and define care strategies for individual care recipients.
Caregiver practising Humanitude care techniques for bed transfer during a group training session.
2 days (14 hours)

Humanitude™ Project Steering Group Training

Designed for management and assigned representatives to implement organisation-wide change, this training helps to align existing care culture, principles and practices with Humanitude care methodology.

Lead Humanitude™ Implementation Project

Spearhead organisational adoption of Humanitude™ and promote a dynamic of change towards sustainable implementation.

Promote and Unify Holistic Change

Create a strategic plan to align care practices and values according to the 5 Principles of Humanitude™.

Integrate Humanitude™ Culture

Establish a care culture that aligns with the wishes of care recipients and their families and meets the standards of care quality.
Healthcare management team poses for a photo at Humanitude Project Steering Group Training.

Adopted by leading healthcare organisations in Singapore

More than 1,000 healthcare professionals in Singapore have been trained in Humanitude™ care methodology.

The impact of Humanitude™ care at a leading hospital in Singapore

For Caregivers

Reduced burnout
Enhanced empathy
Improved attitudes towards dementia
Healthcare professional providing Humanitude care to an elderly person in a hospital.
Photo credit: Khoo Teck Puat Hospital

For Care recipients

Improved mobility function
Improved ADL function
Improved well-being

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Humanitude™?

Humanitude™ is a care methodology developed by Yves Gineste and Rosette Marescotti since 1979. It combines a philosophy of care with practical tools and techniques that enable both caregivers and care recipients to feel safe, comfortable and dignified during care. Through multi-modal communication, Humanitude™ is the only care methodology that provides the “how” to professionalise care relationships, enhancing care quality, quality of life and overall well-being.

How does it work?

Humanitude™ is developed through extensive empirical caregiving knowledge combined with an evidence-based approach. While care is often associated with illness, loss, and dependency, we believe that the act of caring is fundamentally human; we care for ourselves, our loved ones and our community. 

Humanitude™ aims to bring care back to its basics, focusing on what is simple yet important. It emphasises fostering a positive relationship during care by enabling a positive emotional connection between caregivers and care recipients, all within a pleasant environment.

We work with healthcare organisations and communities seeking a sustainable approach that enhances the quality of care and well-being for both caregivers and recipients. Our services include highly effective hands-on training programmes, including the 4-day Humanitude® Care Action-Training, where caregivers work with their most challenging care recipients, as well as tailored consultancy services for healthcare organisations.

Is Humanitude™ about integrating kindness and a sense of purpose into caregiving?

Caring with Humanitude™ is a skillful practice that involves a set of competencies which can be learned, trained, refined and monitored with evidence-based tools.

These skills are not usually innate but can be cultivated through practical, hands-on training. Through our research and ground work with healthcare organisations, we have observed that providing truly humane and dignified care is not a matter of chance or luck. It is a deliberate and intentional practice.

Embracing Humanitude™ means continually learning and enhancing one’s relational caregiving skills to ensure that care is always delivered with consent, respect and compassion.

How is Humanitude™ different from person-centred care?

Humanitude™ goes beyond person-centred care. It is a care methodology that emphasises on practicality by building upon caregiving practices. With specific techniques developed for positive physical and emotional interactions, Humanitude™ enables caregivers to swiftly enhance their care quality and achieve better outcomes.

The second emphasis of Humanitude™ is the consideration of well-being of caregivers as part of the overall care methodology, recognising that quality care is most effective when caregivers feel safe, comfortable and dignified. Humanitude™ also aligns care goals and practices among multidisciplinary teams. 

In conclusion, Humanitude™ is about being relationship-centred, instead of being solely person-centred. It fosters positive relationships between caregivers and care recipients, benefiting both through a systematic, empirical, and evidence-based approach.

Does Humanitude™ require additional resources for successful implementation?

No, the implementation of Humanitude™ does not require additional resources based on our experience and observation. The challenge is usually related to the change of practices instead of securing additional resources like budget or manpower. Humanitude™ emphasises on the review and adjustment of caregiving practices, routines and habits that do not meet the expectations of care recipients, caregivers or the organisation.

How long does it take to see results with Humanitude™?

We have observed results ranging from immediate to medium and long-term.

Immediate results from training are seen in the form of reductions in combativeness or agitation during care and refusal of care, while medium to long-term results include decreased functional dependency, fewer restraints and lower rates of occupational injuries. These positive results are possible with the consistent application of Humanitude™ care by the entire team.

For successful implementation, we recommend that 75% to 100% of caregivers receive training in Humanitude™. The time required to see results can vary based on the size of the organisation, the number of caregivers and the team’s resistance to change.

Which organisations are suited for implementing Humanitude™?

Humanitude™ has been successfully implemented across social and healthcare services, such as acute hospitals, community hospitals, nursing homes, day care centres, community and home care providers. 

We have also been approached by various organisations seeking to enhance the quality of their relationships with clients, family members, or among colleagues. We are confident that any organisation can benefit from Humanitude™.

How much does it cost to implement Humanitude™?

We recommend reaching out to us for a customised plan and budget. 

Humanitude™ has demonstrated significant benefits, including reduced sick leave due to occupational injuries, lower staff turnover, and decreased functional dependency, falls, and restraints among care recipients. This makes Humanitude™ a valuable investment with a high social return, yielding €4.04 for every €1 invested1.

As proven by research and recognised by awards from governments and universities worldwide, Humanitude™ is highly cost-effective. Quality care is essential and should be a key component of any forward-thinking health organisation's strategic plan.

Can I enrol in Humanitude™ training as an individual?

Humanitude™ training is primarily designed for healthcare organisations. We conduct Care Action-Training for groups of 10-12 people, which includes demonstration and hands-on practice of Humanitude™ care to selected care recipients during the session. This allows existing healthcare staff to experience how Humanitude™ can be applied within the organisation.

You may consider requesting a training session at your workplace. Alternatively, you may reach out to a nearby care unit to arrange a training session that you can join or contact us to explore an individual training registration.

Join our training to foster a culture of Humanitude™

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